Mission Statement of Victory Baptist Academy
The mission of Victory Baptist Academy is one of preparing children to live a productive life for the Lord Jesus Christ. While most graduates of Victory Baptist Academy will choose to continue their education beyond high school, the focus of the curricular and instructional systems is one of helping each child to grow from whatever level of spiritual and academic achievement he has reached.
Admissions policies reflect what the school is able to do for those children admitted. Attention is given to the following three areas:
EDIFICATION: Victory Baptist Academy is dedicated to the edification of children in accordance with Ephesians 4:12 “For the perfecting (equipping) of the saints for the work of the ministry. . . ” Therefore, attention will be given to spiritual growth and development, equipping children to live a life of obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. Every effort will be made to develop within children a spiritual knowledge base for making wise decisions about life and to develop both the spiritual and natural gifts of each child to a level appropriate for high school graduates.
EDUCATION: Victory Baptist Academy is dedicated to the education of children in accordance with the broad areas of development stated in Luke 2:52 “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.” Therefore, attention will also be given to the mental, physical, and social growth of children. The primary purpose of the academic program is to prepare students for some form of education beyond high school, perhaps Christian education, liberal arts education, or vocational education. Those choosing not to continue education beyond high school will still be advanced academically for functioning as an adjusted and productive citizen of this nation.
EVANGELIZATION: Victory Baptist Academy is dedicated to the evangelization of those children who may not be saved. This is especially true within the elementary school which will include a number of children who have not yet received the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior. Evangelization may be carried out by teachers or students on a one-to-one or group basis. Evangelization, while very important and not to be minimized, will be secondary to the mission to edify and educate children as stated above.
General Goals of Victory Baptist Academy
To teach every student an understanding of God, the priority that should be accorded His Word, and the responsibility that every person has to Him as Creator and Redeemer.
To enable each student to develop both natural and spiritual gifts and talents with the understanding that the highest goal of mankind is to use these gifts and talents to worship and to glorify God.
To develop within each student a level of basic skills achievement that will support successful functioning as a citizen of the Kingdom of God and successful functioning as a citizen of this nation.
To provide each student both curricular and instructional systems that will enable him to achieve at levels that will prepare him to enter the next level of education chosen, whatever the academic rigor demands.
To leave each student with a strong sense of “right and wrong,” to make him aware of the spiritual blessing that comes from doing right, and to warn him of the many wrongs that now characterize our culture and the negative consequences to be borne by those who choose those wrongs.
Philosophy of Discipline
“. . . but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4b
“If one examines the secret behind a championship football team, a magnificent orchestra, or a successful business, the principle ingredient is invariably discipline,” James Dobson, Dare to Discipline.
Discipline is a positive word coming from the same root as “disciple” which means to train and nurture. Therefore, at Victory Baptist Academy, discipline is for discipleship. Discipline is designed to help develop “Christ-likeness” in the lives of students as set forth in the Scriptures. All discipline should seek to build character traits such as obedience, courtesy, respect, diligence, neatness, punctuality, truthfulness, morality, and an overall positive attitude. Proper discipline is necessary for proper learning. It is the goal of the school to work with the parents in using discipline to build Christian character in students.