Admissions Process
1. Obtain the necessary enrollment forms from the office. Complete and return the forms after reading them carefully. Include the registration fee at this time (non-refundable).
2. Provide a birth certificate issued by the state and proof of immunizations.
- All first-year students will be automatically placed on academic probation for their first nine weeks. If it is determined during this time that the student cannot meet minimal standards, VBA reserves the right to require further diagnostic testing, placement of the student in a lower grade, or withdrawal if we are unable to meet the student’s needs.
- New applicants may be required to take diagnostic tests and/or provide recent scores from standardized testing.
- Prospective students who are physically challenged must be able to safely maneuver themselves without staff or student assistance (i.e. restroom, books, eating lunch, etc.).
Acceptance of students is based on achievement, prior education history, the testing program, an interview with the administration, sexual orientation, and openings in the particular grade levels. Family life, church status, and general behavior are also carefully considered. Victory Baptist Academy is not equipped to accept problem, married, or divorced students, or those who will be 21 years of age by the time of graduation.
Victory Baptist Church and Academy has a racially nondiscriminatory policy and, therefore, shall not discriminate against members, applicants, students, or others on the basis of race, color, or ethnic origin in the admission of students.
- Applications for enrollment and re-enrollment will be approved at the sole discretion of the school. No student has a right to be enrolled or re-enrolled in VBA. An exception to a policy for one is not meant to be an exception for all.
- Parents and applicants must be willing to be interviewed by the administration prior to acceptance.
- It is not the normal policy of VBA to accept students after the second semester has already begun or students who have been expelled from another school.
- Students who leave VBA to attend an area school should not expect to be re-admitted to VBA at a later date.
Asbestos Notice – This notice is to inform you that Victory Baptist Academy has met the requirements of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act AHERA Public law (99-519), and that an asbestos management plan was submitted to the West Virginia Department of Health before the deadline of October 12, 1988. Our buildings have been inspected by certified inspector-management planners and their reports certify that our buildings have no ACM (asbestos).