2024-2025 Supplies List
The supplies list for the 2024-2025 school year can be downloaded below.
Victory Baptist Academy is accredited by the American Association of Christian Schools. This accreditation also enables us to be regionally and nationally accredited by the National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA) and the Commission on International and Trans-regional Accreditation (CITA). CITA is know as the "global leader in accreditation" and accredits more than 32,000 public and private schools worldwide. There is no higher level of accreditation that any school can have.
Many schools would experiment with teaching philosophy and subject material in educating your child. At Victory, we use time tested methods which are strengthened by the Abeka curriculum. We strongly believe in teaching children how to live first, and how to make a living second.
We stand for truth. Everything we do, whether it be teaching an English class or coaching a basketball game, springs from our desire to see students love God and His Word. The Bible is our foundation. While no school can guarantee spiritual greatnessss in students, we work to provide an atmosphere that encourages spiritual growth. VBA strives to be free from the worldly influences and philosophy that often hinder students in a public environment.
Victory Baptist Academy is a ministry of Victory Baptist Church that endeavors to meet the need of her church members, as well as other Christian families or students, to provide a Bible-based, Christian education for their children.
Acting as an extension of the home, the church has employed dedicated Christian teachers who have a sincere desire to see that students obtain a sound education mentally, emotionally, physically, and most importantly spiritually. Our goal is not to reform but to train Christian young people of every ability in the highest principles of Christian leadership, self discipline, individual responsibility, personal integrity, and good citizenship.
Christian education is unique in that it is based upon the Word of God and not man’s ideas. All of our subjects are taught from a biblical perspective allowing students to see that all things were created by God, are related to God, and continue by God’s power (Colossians 1:16-17).
We thank God for all our parents who care enough to give their children the very best education.
Pastor Roberts grew up in Sacramento, California. He and his wife Debbie were married in 1976 and have three children and seven grandchildren. They have served the Lord in Birmingham, Alabama (1976-1984) and Pensacola, Florida (1984-1988). The Lord led them to VBC/VBA in November 1988. Pastor Roberts graduated from Pensacola Christian College in 1988 with a major in Bible and a minor in Biblical languages - Greek and Hebrew. He was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from PCC in 2006. In 2018, he was elected to the West Virginia State Senate.
The supplies list for the 2024-2025 school year can be downloaded below.
PO Box 549, Beaver, WV 25813